Saturday, September 03, 2005

我不夠白 (I'm not white enough)

One thing I've noticed about Taiwan is the (partial) obsession with white skin among women. Many women here carry umbrellas and wear long sleeves and gloves when they go outside. Also, there are often these freaky skin whitener commercials on TV where some woman will magically put some stuff on her face and come out looking both whiter and Photoshopped. Personally, I think that this is sort of creepy. Also, the thing is there's not an appreciable difference between women who wear long sleeves and carry umbrellas and women who don't which makes me wonder sometimes why they bother.


Anonymous said...

Compared to China, Taiwanese women actually seem quite sun loving - many of the Taipei women in their skirts and strappy tops would look very out of place in Kunming (and many would be dark enough to be considered ugly/common).

I also sense there's something of a generation gap in terms of parasol use here; in Kunming most women of all ages would use one.

The skin lightening cream ads ARE disturbing... But if people are willing to alter themselves chemically, I suppose that's their decision/problem...

Anonymous said...

yeah, its really,....sad
some women even use umbrellas when its not even sunny out because they still think they will turn dark due to reflected light, or whatever.....i dont get the reasoning.......

its such an opposite to american obsession with tanning and yet so exactly identical at the same time. :(

actually, those sleeve things that you can put on your arms are actually pretty nice when you are driving long distances and the sun is continually on your arms. it burns something awful.