Sunday, September 04, 2005

Learning Chinese the Fun Way #2

I mentioned before that I've been trying to work out pop songs lyrics to improve my Chinese until I can afford to take classes. Anyway, I actually think it's been helping. Today, I saw several characters that I learned about from pop songs. Namely, 免費 or free, and 木乃伊 or mummy. Also the day before, I used another word, 盲or blind. So I think my vocabulary is improving. Thank you, JJ Lin.

Also this is an open plea for help if you know how to type Chinese on an American PC. I've installed the Chinese typing things I just don't know how to use any of the systems that I've installed. The Mac one was so easy you just typed in the pinyin and you got the characters. But these, sometimes I type things and there are characters but I don't know how to get from to the one I want. Help!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am unfamiliar with using pinyin, i usually use the 注音typing to do all my chinese typing. but for that input style all you have to do is press the down key and a bunch of other possible characters pop up, and you can press whichever one you want. or, the newer style of input will guess which character you want according to the characters you typed before it. i think you can change that with the down key too.

hope that helps a little
