Monday, January 15, 2007

Why is it that...

everywhere I live, the people who live upstairs do something that sounds like they're building tables. Is there some sort of logical explanation for this or am I just kind of crazy? What the hell are they doing up there?

I need some caffeine.


Anonymous said...

The people upstairs blow on a flute 3 times every night, roll ball bearings across the floor, and jump off chairs, beds, or couches (whatever they've got up there) periodically. Sometimes there's step dancing, too. The chain-saw sound might be a vacuum cleaner. Great exercise for the imagination.

belledame222 said...

In my last apartment, I could've sworn that the upstairs neighbors were constantly playing marbles in the middle of the night.

lovelesscynic said...

ah, the mystery is solved by the utility bill. The tables were actually being deconstructed. Apparently there's no one living upstairs anymore. Well, ok.