Thursday, October 20, 2005

A short anecdote from the life of a twelve year old

On Wednesday, as I'm giving my class the spelling quiz, I hear Willy saying to Tim quite audibly.
"Tim, you're ok. You're OKAY." (Kids hear use, Ok for finished or done.) as Tim is enthusiastically using Willy's white-out. "Tim, you're OK. It's very expensive." It's nice to know mooching lives on in the younger generation.


Anonymous said...

hahahaha =) sometimes these stories are better than the comics on pbf.

Factorial said...

Clara! I am a cashier at Target starting next week! NOW I CAN POST IN MY BLOG ABOUT MY CRAPPY JOB!

O brave new world...

lovelesscynic said...

Wow, more funny than the Perry Bible Fellowship. That's a real compliment.