Thursday, December 08, 2005


So apparently there's this movie coming out called 如果愛 or Perhaps Love. I'm planning on seeing it despite it looking like possibly a ripoff of Moulin Rouge or something. Besides, I hate musicals. The trailers have been pretty cryptic, but from what I've seen it's a love triangle. However, I think the premise is a little flawed frankly because from what I understand this woman has to choose between Takeshi Kaneshiro and Jackie Cheung. I feel like this movie might run into some problems considering the doubtful believeability of any woman being that hung up on a choice between Takeshi Kaneshiro and Jackie Cheung. It seems fairly clear cut to me.


Anonymous said...

Jackie looks demented in that pic.
have you seen his "Snow Wolf Lake" musicals?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Maybe Takeshi's evil, and Andy's got a winning personality...

Anonymous said...

Oh sorry. I got Jackie mixed up with Andy Lau, who was the other choice in House of Flying Daggers. Sort of no contest in that one too.

lovelesscynic said...

really? A choice between Takeshi Kaneshiro and Andy Lau, I'd say it's a little harder. But then I haven't seen the movie.

Anonymous said...

Well, I won't spoil it for you, but the last 30 minutes of the movie ought to do. (Btw, I can't believe I just spent a minute watching Tai Shan's back - he was breathing and moving a paw every now and then...)