Thursday, December 08, 2005


I was thinking, all of the bananas (for those of you who don't know, banana=white on the inside, yellow on the inside, like twinkie) I've known have been girls. I was sort of thinking maybe there's something about the way American society is set up so that it's easier for Asian American women rather than men to be bananas. I'm not sure if I think I'm right, it's just a thought. I guess I wonder what it says about masculinity and femininity.

On a random note, my landlord wakes me up every day at 8 o'clock with this hacking cough that lasts for five or ten minutes. I think when it gets to that point you should just fucking QUIT SMOKING. IT'S NOT WORKING OUT FOR YOU.


Anonymous said...

Starting at midnight, there's no smoking allowed in bars and restaurants statewide. On a local radio show this morning, several people said they'd gone to their favorite bars last night and smoked as many cigarettes as they could. One guy said he smoked 5 packs (I hope he was exaggerating), and a woman said she smoked 3. They both admitted they felt sick afterward, but they still sounded pretty happy with themselves. Smoking is a weird thing.

Anonymous said...

those nice pearly blacks.....tar stained teeth, and an excuse to be bitchy.


Anonymous said...

"Bananas" and women - I think you're totally right. Women are marginalized, so "navigate" social relations in a different way to men. Maybe they have more to gain and less to lose by being open to different ways of "being".

See this on Jay Chou, btw:

lovelesscynic said...

Is that Jay Chou thing even real? I can't imagine that.

Anonymous said...

No! It's a joke.