Sunday, December 30, 2007


Sometimes it really seems like the more time I have the less time I actually make use of. If I'm really busy, for some reason, I'm able to get a lot more work/studying/whatever productive done. When I have large chunks or days of time, I spend a lot of time 發呆 (I'm not sure what the best translation of this would be, staring in to space, doing nothing?) rather than doing anything productive.

I'm not sure why this is. But I don't like it.


Magniloquence said...

Oh, I definitely feel that way. That's why my job sucks so much.... interminable periods of not-much-to-do sprinkled with a few minutes of 'oh shit!' don't really make me a happy camper. I mean, if the 'not much to do' bits were truly free time (or my boss was less awful), then sure.. but that's not really the case.

Anonymous said...

i once read this productivity thing where, if you find you have ten minutes here and there in your day that you dont know what to do with...write a list of things accomplishable in ten minutes....
organizing socks...
picking up trash...
writing to do lists....
commenting on blogs...
etc etc...
