Friday, September 07, 2007

It can't possibly be true, I said.

Japanese fishermen couldn't possibly have sex with manta rays. It must be some kind of exaggeration. Well, I clicked on the damn link. I can't unclick it.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

It's hard to imagine that this is the same country that came up with Hello Kitty.


Magniloquence said...

I...wha...s..that.. guh? I should've listened to you...

lovelesscynic said...

it's that damn curiosity that does us in. And then add in the factor that both you and I are of Japanese ancestry, and, well, it just compounds the trauma.

Amber said...

Steve Irwin must have missed the part about removing the stinger first...

Anonymous said...

ugh.... though that's not going to stop me from googling it to see if i can find pictures.

lovelesscynic said...

if you find pictures, let me know will you?

Magniloquence said...

*makes faces* Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww. Pictures. And yet, strangely compelling. In that "Google Seppukku" sort of way.

Anonymous said...

...that makes me look so vanilla. I don't know how I feel about that. :p

lovelesscynic said...

Clearly if you haven't made it with a manta ray, you just haven't lived.

Acer macrophyllum said...

remember that this is also the country where they sell used schoolgirls underwear in vending machines.

i heard a thing on dan savage about an expensive japanese fetish where you go to an exclusive cafe, where women who have eaten nothing but bananas for days squat on a rotating stage like a lazy susan and crap on delicate porcelain dishes for the patrons to consume.

do you have any theories as to why japan is...the way it is? is it something to do with being an isolated overpopulated island? the product of excessive repression? is it orientalist western fascination with sexual perversion more complicated than sheep, that we hear so much about this stuff?

the underwear vending machines seem like the biggest data point against that last. we've got everything in terms of weird sex, except maybe octopuses, but we don't usually put it on the street corner in a vending machine.4

Factorial said...

Well for all the heifers my ancestors fucked we turned out mostly okay.

Sheep, too.