Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Video rental

So I finally got off my lazy ass and signed up for a video rental membership. After doing this I then rented three movies with AdriAnne. We watched two of them. Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children, which is a Japanese anime, and then Perhaps Love 如果愛 starring Takeshi Kaneshiro and Zhou Xun, and also Jackie Cheung aka Zhang Xueyou.

I was actually pleasantly surprised by both movies. I actually saw the American animated Final Fantasy movie (so sue me.) and disliked it a lot. It was essentially just a stupid action movie, they just didn't have real people so it might have been more expensive than a stupid action movie. Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children actually got the animated movie part right. I mean, if you're going to have animated characters it makes sense that you might want them to do stuff that other people can't actually do. Like run up buildings, or jump eight feet in the air and land on someone else's motorcycle and hack at each other with swords twice their size. It was fun, and the hair was very pretty.

We also rented the Korean horror movie, A Tale of Two Sisters. I've seen it before. And now I'm almost kind of sort of sure that I maybe know what the hell went on in that movie.

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