Sunday, March 12, 2006

Strange things

So one of the other foreign teachers was talking about a stationary store that we all go to and the fact that they gave her a VIP card for spending $300. At this, one of the Chinese teachers got really mad because apparently she had been to the same store and had spent $600 and they hadn't given her anything. Then she looked at me and said, "It's the same for you because you're yellow." Which is probably fairly true, but it was still a little weird. However, I still haven't figured out what some Chinese people completely lose their heads when they see white people and act like rubes. Actually, it makes me kind of mad. Like, "Don't you know, you're playing into a stereotype? Stop doing that!" Sort of like my elderly relations make racist jokes, it's a similar feeling of resigned embarrassment.


Anonymous said...

you guys should boycott the store.

Anonymous said...

It may be worse than you think. After the Taiwanese teachers leave the shop, the owner may take a look around to see if anything's gone missing.

Anonymous said...

oh~~ snaps!! good one. =)